Sunday 28 August 2011

Smelly Slave


Penny's day started at 6:30 AM every day. She spent the night locked in her room, and at 6 AM promptly the maid came and unlocked the door to take her down to work. This morning the first thing Maid said to Penny was "Poo you stink!" Penny pointed out that this was because she had not been allowed either a shower or bath since she arrived and the maid replied "That was an oversight. I'll have to remember to get you cleaned up each morning, or we will both be in trouble."

Maid led Penny to the washroom she used to wash her hands. There were two ancient shower stalls in there. The maid handed Penny an old floor scrubbing brush and a bar of carbolic soap, then pushed Penny into one of the shower stalls. As soon as Penny was under the shower pan Maid turned on the water. There was no hot water, only freezing cold water, and Penny shivered as it fell on her naked body. She then had to scrub herself clean with the old scrubbing brush. Not only was this humiliating, the bristles were hard, and hurt Penny's tender teenage skin.

Once the maid decided that Penny was clean enough she switched off the water. Instead of a towel, there was an old (but clean) hessian sack for Penny to dry herself on. Then it was back into the main house for another full day's hard work.

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